Easing Time Change Irritability: A Guide for Dementia Caregivers

Caregiver Resources & Support

October 27, 2023

Daylight Saving Time (DST) is an event that many of us experience twice a year. While it can be disorienting for most, for those caring for individuals with dementia, it poses a unique set of challenges. The shift in time can disrupt daily routines, leading to confusion and increased irritability in dementia patients. In this blog, we'll explore strategies and tips to help reduce irritability caused by time changes in those with dementia.

Understanding The Impact

Dementia, a condition characterized by cognitive decline, often thrives on routine and familiarity. The abrupt changes associated with DST can be confusing and distressing for individuals with dementia, leading to behavioral issues like irritability. Here are some practical ways to mitigate the effects:

Gradual Adjustments

Instead of a sudden change in routine, consider making gradual adjustments in the days leading up to DST. Shift daily activities, meal times, and bedtime by 15 to 30 minutes each day to help the individual adapt more smoothly.

Maintain Familiarity:

A familiar environment is vital for someone with dementia. Keep their living space unchanged, with familiar objects, photographs, and comforting elements. Maintaining familiarity can provide a sense of security.

Natural Light Exposure

Exposure to natural light can help regulate the body's internal clock. Encourage outdoor activities in well-lit areas, especially in the morning. This can help reset their circadian rhythm, reducing irritability.


Consistent Meal Times

Consistent meal times are essential. Changes in eating patterns can significantly impact mood and behavior. Ensure meals are well-balanced and consider avoiding caffeine and heavy meals near bedtime.


Medication Consultation

Consult a healthcare professional about adjusting the timing of medication doses to align with the new schedule if necessary. Medication changes can significantly influence mood and behavior.


Calming Activities

Engage in calming activities to reduce irritability and anxiety. Music therapy, gentle exercise, and sensory stimulation, such as aromatherapy or massage, can be beneficial. These activities promote relaxation and comfort.


Maintain Social Connections

Social engagement is crucial for dementia patients. Encourage interactions with family and friends. This can help alleviate feelings of irritability and loneliness. Keep these interactions simple and positive.


Clear Communication

Communication is key. Use clear, simple language to convey any changes in routine. Visual aids, such as schedules or written instructions, can help the individual understand what is happening and create a sense of predictability.


Seek Support

Caring for someone with dementia is not a journey to be undertaken alone. Seek support and resources from organizations, support groups, and healthcare professionals. Sharing experiences and strategies with others can provide emotional and practical support.



Daylight Saving Time can be challenging for caregivers of individuals with dementia. The disruption in routine can lead to increased irritability and confusion in dementia patients. However, by implementing these strategies and approaches, we can help ease the transition and maintain a sense of familiarity, stability, and comfort for those under our care. Remember that patience, understanding, and empathy are essential when caring for individuals with dementia during these time changes. By following these tips, you can create a more peaceful and supportive environment, enhancing the quality of life for both the caregiver and the individual with dementia.